
Unintended text in sidebar

Closed this issue · 1 comments

On Chrome & Safari at least, I see the following text at the very bottom (may need to scroll to end of page) of the left sidebar on pages like: https://tessel.io/docs/home:

isMobile()) : ?>

But it's a little odd as the source in question contains:

<!-- Google Plus -->
<?php $detect = new Mobile_Detect(); if (!$detect->isMobile()) : ?>
<img style="display: none;" onLoad="google_plus_user(true)" alt="" src="https://plus.google.com/up/?continue=https://www.google.com/intl/en/images/logos/accounts_logo.png&amp;type=st&amp;gpsrc=ogpy0" />
<?php endif; ?>

But when viewed via Inspect Element it shows as:

<!--?php $detect = new Mobile_Detect(); if (!$detect--->

i.e. the -> seems to get converted to --->.

So, whatever the cause, presumably this section isn't working as intended.

Sorry this took so long, finally got rid of that unused php...