
Error in events.js on t2-vm create on OSX 10.11

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Initializing VM...
? Choose a bridge interface (or hit enter) en0: Wi-Fi (AirPort)
Downloading image...
............................................................................................................................................................. downloaded ...
Creating VM...
Attaching to serial port: /Users/ujjwalt/.tessel/vm.port
Configuring VM...
     throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: connect ENOENT
   at exports._errnoException (util.js:746:11)
   at PipeConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1010:19)

I'm using node 0.12.7 and npm 2.14.4 although I've tried both node 0.10 and 4.0 and nothing works.

@Student007: You just lost the bet.

You won a 🐇 😆 did you install VirtualBox and extension packages ?

You win. I did not have the extension packages. But is this mentioned anywhere?

Now will this work on Node 4.x?

@ujjwalt that's a good question. Currently t2-cli isn't compatible with node-usb on Node 4.x but since it's a VM (and doesn't connect via USB), it might not have that issue.