
Add a way to listen to all events with Pool:on

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I think it would be extremely helpful for logging & debugging purposes to add a special event like "all" or "*" or nil to execute function on all events.


out of curiosity, would you be able to figure out how to add the logging directly to the library?

I am currently trying to hack something around it via replacing emit with a custom one that also logs certain events (based on an ignore list) & print the ones with moon.p.

I am no expert in logging, but I think adding logging directly to the lib would be a bit too much

  • log stream - you can't always log to stdout/stderr
  • filters - you might want to specify some filters to ignore certain events to improve readability, for example "collision" or "update"
  • logging arguments - you need to serialize all kinds of payload to be really useful

I do not know how to implement all those stuff flexible, so I think a way of letting the users tap all events means you can implement whatever way you want to log.

how's your hacking going?

(Had a few hours of sleep before school)
I did this last night:
(Yea, I use moon for my amazing project)