
Missing files in /vagrant

arthurzenika opened this issue · 4 comments

When using kitchen with vagrant/virtualbox, we have /vagrant which is synced with rsync (or mounted with NFS) so that the code can be tested. Switching to kitchen-ec2 it seems that nothing is in /vagrant, is it in another place ? Do we have to add a provisionner to copy over the files ?

I've just realised that I seem to be using version 2.2.2


Is this the problem ?

This is because kitchen-ec2, or anything that isn't kitchen-vagrant for that matter, makes no use of Vagrant itself, it talks directly (well via the aws SDK) to the cloud. If you want to sync up arbitrary data you can use data_path https://docs.chef.io/config_yml_kitchen.html#provisioner-settings.

Adding data_path to the provisionner seems to do the job. Now I have to find a way to exclude some patterns (.git and .tox folders are not usefull and are pretty big).

I'm closing this issue as the reported problem isn't really applicable to this project and you've opened another for the specific issue.