
Instace type m5.large / New regions are not working

avishayil opened this issue · 4 comments

When trying to provision instances with the m5.large type, kitchen cannot connect to those instances and therefore kitchen create fails. When I change the parameter to m4.large it works, not sure what could be the reason. Tested on several regions.

Edit: Appears that several instance types from the 5 family are not working, such as c5.2xlarge

Edit: Appears that on AWS new regions (eu-north-1), several instance types are not working, such as t3, m5, c5

Even though create fails, if I stop create forcefully and wait for some time, I can converge the instance successfully.

Any idea how to solve the create issue?

It takes double time on these regions

rwc commented

@avishayil - Did you have to increase your timeouts for kitchen in order for it to connect? If so, what value did you change it to?

Hi @rwc , 600 seconds.