
i'd like to obtain a redis cluster env. what should i do by using test-container?

JustryDeng opened this issue · 5 comments

i'd like to obtain a redis cluster env. what should i do by using test-container?

i resolved it. just like this

 * redis-cluster
 * @author {@link JustryDeng}
 * @since 2020/11/13 16:14:18
@ContextConfiguration(initializers = RedisClusterEnvSupport.Initializer.class)
public class RedisClusterEnvSupport implements RedisEnvSupport {
    private static final String DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME = "grokzen/redis-cluster:6.0.7";
    public static GenericContainer redisContainer = new FixedHostPortGenericContainer(DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME)
            .withFixedExposedPort(7000, 7000)
            .withFixedExposedPort(7001, 7001)
            .withFixedExposedPort(7002, 7002)
            .withFixedExposedPort(7003, 7003)
            .withFixedExposedPort(7004, 7004)
            .withFixedExposedPort(7005, 7005);
    public static class Initializer implements ApplicationContextInitializer<ConfigurableApplicationContext> {
        public void initialize(ConfigurableApplicationContext configurableApplicationContext) {
            String redisIpAddress = redisContainer.getContainerIpAddress();
            String nodesInfo = redisIpAddress + ":" + 7000
                    + "," + redisIpAddress + ":" + 7001
                    + "," + redisIpAddress + ":" + 7002
                    + "," + redisIpAddress + ":" + 7003
                    + "," + redisIpAddress + ":" + 7004
                    + "," + redisIpAddress + ":" + 7005;
            log.info("spring.redis.cluster.nodes is [{}]", nodesInfo);
            System.setProperty("spring.redis.cluster.nodes", nodesInfo);
public class ClientResources4Test extends DefaultClientResources {
    protected ClientResources4Test() {
    public SocketAddressResolver socketAddressResolver() {
        return new SocketAddressResolver4Test(DnsResolvers.UNRESOLVED);

    public static class SocketAddressResolver4Test extends SocketAddressResolver {
        protected SocketAddressResolver4Test(DnsResolver dnsResolver) {
        public SocketAddress resolve(RedisURI redisURI) {
            return InetSocketAddress.createUnresolved("localhost", redisURI.getPort());

Hi @JustryDeng! Do you have any repo where I could check what you did? Thanks

Hi @JustryDeng! Do you have any repo where I could check what you did? Thanks

this is a simple demo. you can @see

Maybe it may be useful for someone. I've added one more example for it - https://github.com/Hixon10/spring-redis-cluster-testcontainers

@Hixon10 thanks for linking that example. It was useful to me today as I needed to do exactly this (but outside of a Spring application), and I'm not overly familiar with Lettuce. Additionally, I got a kick out of it linking to my blog article 😆 .