
ContainerLaunchException with Docker Compose V2

cuong-dang opened this issue · 9 comments

I encountered the following error for sbt test.

org.testcontainers.containers.ContainerLaunchException: Local Docker Compose exited abnormally with code 1 whilst running command: up -d

Solved by unchecking the option Use Docker Compose V2 in Docker General settings.

I'm also seeing this issue, but downgrading the version of docker-compose didn't fix the problem.

Same problem for me despite downgrading docker-compose version from V3 -> V2.
It succeeds in local test with sbt, but needs to do the docker compose manually before the first launch.
The problem remains in Jenkins CI, any suggestions please?

I believe the issue has been solved with the above change. Please review.

@dimafeng Do you have a plan to release 0.40.7?

Sorry for the delay. Just released

testcontainers/testcontainers-java#5608 added support for compose v2 with ComposeContainer, which is available in testcontainers-java:1.19.0, @dimafeng do you have time to make a release for this project?

@pan3793 I can take a look this weekend. If you happen to have some time to submit a PR earlier, I'd really appreciate it.

@dimafeng Thanks, not too urgent on my side, I temporarily created a docker-compose script to simulate the V1 compose as a workaround, it works well for a while.

~/bin$ cat docker-compose
#/usr/bin/env bash
docker compose $@

Sorry, the version upgrade didn't go smoothly #258. I need somebody to figure out the problem.