
cypress:run failing on CircleCI

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Thank you all for the gem. Currently we're able to run the command successfully in local test environment.

CYPRESS_RAILS_CYPRESS_OPTS="--browser chrome" RAILS_ENV=test rails cypress:run

We already have a success rspec tests on CircleCI, however when we want to include the Cypress with the same command, seems to fail abruptly. Not sure if anyone has encountered this. Thanks!

Screen Shot 2022-09-29 at 7 08 37 AM

I don't think this is an issue with the gem. Getting Cypress + Rails to work reliably in Circle CI is, in my experience, a constantly moving target requiring a lot of effort to stay on top of the images and services that are available to the Circle runners (node, browsers, Ruby, postgres, etc). I've lost days of my life to this as well. My solution was, sadly, to move most of my projects from Circle to Heroku CI and GitHub Actions

thanks, we found the root cause.