
Entrypoint files break build (container start) when they have Win CR/LF EOLs

Amondale opened this issue · 0 comments

Using Windows 10 Docker version 19.03.8, build afacb8b

  • First of all, your testdrivenio articles hit the sweet spot for my learning style, HOLs are the way to go for walkthroughs, and yours are perfectly written for the noob (my status) and will go a long way to get me to the next level using django/docker/nginx. THANK YOU for these great articles!!!

Can you please for the few using this setup from Windows mention that Unix line endings are a good way to quietly break Docker builds (container doesn't start with a 211 error)? And it appears there's no need to chmod the entrypoint files first as Windows defaults to 777 (love it!).

Kinda weird the Dockerfile(s) themselves don't seem to trigger this behavior, see This post addressing the 211 error in Dockerfiles {hmmmmm...}
