
Chromium support

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi! :)

I see that detection of chromium is explicitly disabled on Linux and was wondering why (I'd like to have it enabled, if there are technical limitations preventing that I'm willing to work on solving them).

// 'chromium',
// 'chromium-browser',
// { regex: /chromium$/, weight: 52 },
{ regex: /chrome-wrapper$/, weight: 51 },
{ regex: /google-chrome-stable$/, weight: 50 },
{ regex: /google-chrome$/, weight: 49 },
// { regex: /chromium-browser$/, weight: 48 },

@glacambre probably because this package is used for https://www.npmjs.com/package/chromedriver and there are no published versions for Chromium canary (only for Chrome).

I think it would be fine to add an opt-in way (with a flag) to look for it.

@benjamingr If I remember correctly this is because chromium and chrome can have mismatching versions which could be problematic for us