
Asserting a style of a parent element - There is a better way of doing this?

cassiourugit opened this issue · 2 comments


I have this structure
Captura de Tela 2021-09-29 às 10 53 50

I'm able to find my icon and validate the opacity by doing it like this:
const rightIcon = getByTestId('SvgPlusIcon');

expect(rightIcon.parent?.parent?.parent?.parent).toHaveStyle({opacity: pfTheme.opacity.light});

I've looked everywhere, and couldn't find a better way of doing this instead of:

Anyone knows how to get to the parent element in a more elegant way?

Sorry about my English, not a native speaker...

@cassiourugit I feel your pain. The element tree returned by React Native Testing Library is composed from ReactTestInstance objects, which represent either host components (e.g. View, RNSVGSvgView) or composite components (function/class components, from your own code, imported libraries, even React Native itself). Using simple element.parent can give you both host and composite components depending on the component tree structure.

As a kind of recommended workaround you could create a helper function:

function getHostParent(element: ReactTestInstance) {
   let result = element.parent;
   while (typeof result.type !== 'string') {
      result = result.parent;

   return result;

Passing rightIcon to it, you should receive host View instance to match the styles as you need:

const hostParent = getHostParent(rightIcon);
expect(hostParent).toHaveStyle({opacity: pfTheme.opacity.light});

Closing as solved because of suggested workaround.