
`await tick()` doesn't work when using in tests but `waitFor` does

macmillen opened this issue · 2 comments

    const user = userEvent.setup();
    await user.type(inputElement, "{backspace}");
    waitFor(() => expect(screen.getByTestId("super-auto-tag")).toHaveTextContent("Lukasz")); // this works
    const user = userEvent.setup();
    await user.type(inputElement, "{backspace}");
    await tick(); // this doesn't work

I have to use await tick(); multiple times (like 10x) for some of my tests.

I kinda expect this is caused by the expected output being dependent on something reacting to a change reacting to a change reacting to the original event, which would indeed takes several tick() to stabilize.

Since tick() is part of svelte itself, I don't think there is much we can do here. Using waitFor seems to be the obvious and reasonable thing to do.