
[meta] Suggestions to improve this project (tests, code formatting, conventions)

timbru31 opened this issue · 4 comments


I'd like to improve this project a bit.
Some information are IMO required and currently missing.

  • What version of Node is the target? Do you plan to support v0.12 or even v0.10 too?
    • ES6 features like const, let, arrow functions, ... could be used
  • What's the desired code formatting? (tabs vs spaces, indentation level, ...)
  • How about ESLint? What ruleset should be extended/used?
  • What's the policy of your dependencies? caret vs tilde? fixed?
  • What's with the devDependency mocha? Is it planned to add tests?
    • If yes, maybe add e.g. TravisCI?
  • Are badges (like https://david-dm.org/, published npm version, test coverage, ...) welcomed?
  • What's about Commitizen and conventional-changelog?

Just some thoughts that I had, when I looked at this repository.
I'm happy to assist with some of the points mentioned above if you are interested :)

Hi @timbru31

Thanks for the questions/suggestions!

We welcome any help we get - there are indeed various things that can definitely be improved in this project

Sound great :)

I've made a small todo/tasks list

  • Target latest Node LTS (#10)
  • Enhance code with "new" ES6 features (#10)
  • Add EditorConfig (#5)
  • Add ESLint (#9)
  • Fix potential ESLint issues (#9)
  • Update dependencies with carets (#9)
  • Commit test files (@testingbot)
  • Add TravisCI
  • Add some awesome badges (#7) - more can be added if test coverage and CI build are enabled.
  • Add keywords section to package.json (#10)
  • Enable Greenkeeper

Now it's your turn to push your test files and enable TravisCI. Ping me if you need help :)

Thanks for your contributions @timbru31 !
Need to polish the tests a bit - will push these asap