
Selenium Issue org.testng.log4testng.Logger info

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Aug 13, 2024 10:49:53 AM org.testng.log4testng.Logger info
INFO: [TestNG] Running:

@lahirusadaranga what is the issue? 🤔

Hi, @lahirusadaranga.
We need more information to reproduce the issue.

Please help share a Minimal, Reproducible Example that can be used to recreate the issue.

In addition to sharing a sample, please also add the following details:

  • TestNG version being used.
  • JDK version being used.
  • How was the test run (IDE/Build Tools)?
  • How does your build file (pom.xml | build.gradle | build.gradle.kts) look like ?

It would be better if you could share a sample project that can be directly used to reproduce the problem.
Reply to this issue when all information is provided, thank you.