- 0
testomatio pipe: create batch and interval function only if pipe enabled (add if confition to constructor)
#426 opened by olexandr13 - 0
testomat.artifacts for wdio (mocha)
#423 opened by olexandr13 - 0
Adjust error if reporter run without url
#422 opened by Fro0z1k - 0
- 1
#414 opened by olexandr13 - 1
dot after executing newman tests
#405 opened by olexandr13 - 0
Testomatio reporter with cypress does not upload screenshot from failed tests
#417 opened by petergeczi931 - 0
TypeScript types not included in published package?
#412 opened by darcien - 1
NEWMAN: add batch
#415 opened by olexandr13 - 1
Finished runs are in 'running' status
#367 opened by kwsagittarii - 2
wdio + mocha testomat.log
#369 opened by TetianaKhomenko - 0
- 0
show playwright project name
#419 opened by olexandr13 - 1
Debug pipe
#373 opened by DavertMik - 0
artifacts to branch 2.x
#416 opened by olexandr13 - 1
WDIO adapter (mocha) & HTML (pipe) updates: should create and return client session + HTML should work with WDIO
#321 opened by mykhailiukVitalii - 1
Handling playwright annotations
#396 opened by ramaxadillinger - 2
Cucumber WDIO reporter - Scenario Outline results merged in 1 single execution result in testomat
#350 opened by Automata3D - 0
newman: log info about amount of executed tests
#406 opened by olexandr13 - 0
some issus when passing TESTOMATIO_RUN var
#399 opened by olexandr13 - 6
Tests runs only ends in timeout despite `npx start-test-run --finish` command responds ok
#363 opened by florianlefeuvre - 6
Vitest integration
#356 opened by olexandr13 - 5
[reporter] support wdio cucumber
#333 opened by olexandr13 - 1
- 1
- 0
Reporter 1.4.1 creates additional test runs instead of using the existing test run
#348 opened by TetianaKhomenko - 4
Add support for vitest runner
#330 opened by ivasholeksii - 1
Reporter to ESM
#382 opened by olexandr13 - 0
Display steps and metadata in Reports
#364 opened by TetianaKhomenko - 0
Webdriverio Report - Possibility to add a custom error message or URL link as parameter to be displayed in the error/log section
#376 opened by Automata3D - 1
"Resource not accessible by integration"
#318 opened by ISalted - 1
Path prefix for the artefacts storage
#375 opened by tikolakin - 0
- 12
- 1
High Security issue in fast-xml-parser
#365 opened by denys-iaremenko - 0
- 0
- 0
Broken counters
#354 opened by tikolakin - 5
- 2
Error uploading artifacts in S3
#342 opened by vlevelly35 - 7
- 0
- 2
- 8
fix html reporter
#308 opened by olexandr13 - 3
JS+Playwright. Creates an empty CSV-report
#337 opened by metroprog - 1
Jest. HTML-report does not contain all the blocks, number of tests on tabs always displays as 0
#336 opened by metroprog - 0
- 3
stop reporting in case of multiple requests failed
#322 opened by olexandr13 - 1
Assign tests for a tag post a run is created
#326 opened by bheemvennapureddy - 1
Docs for publishing
#310 opened by olexandr13