
Incorrect page source content response

Closed this issue · 4 comments


we get a string response with the type on one of the tabs of our app on iOS

instead of full XML structure - in the attachment

It looks as if there is something unexpected in the XML structure, as for other tabs of the same app it works correctly.
Appium response is correct (the attachment)

To sum up, it is an iOS app with a tab view, and one tab is creating the above problem.

Is there a specific page URL that we can use to reproduce this issue, @AnnaSwietek? Especially because you say that it works for other pages when you're using the OpenSDK (or did I misinterpret that and does it fail for all pages)?

We simply extend the Selenium RemoteWebDriver that executes the GetPageSource WebDriver command as mentioned here:


To specify precisely, the problem occured on iOS native application, not on a web.

@Rantzur1992 can you take this up with @AnnaSwietek? See my latest email.

Hi @AnnaSwietek
Sent you an email about the IOS application.
I will close this issue, since we are continuing this over email.