
Unable to DEX certain apps from Fugu Marshmallow MMB29V

mfonville opened this issue · 1 comments


when trying to deodex the following APKs from the latest Fugu image ( https://dl.google.com/dl/android/aosp/fugu-mmb29v-factory-2db4c688.tgz )
oat2dex fails at the following apps (that were actually correctly deodexable on the lollipop images):

  • app/BugReportSender
  • app/NoTouchAuthDelegate
  • app/SecondScreenSetup
  • app/SecondScreenSetupAuthBridge

@testwhat Some fixes by @JesusFreke have been applied to his smali source-code, to allow deodexing of Fugu. Would you be able to incorporate those changes in your tool too?