Python3 Implementation of steerable pyramid.
This is based on the article bellow.
The Heeger-Bergen Pyramid-Based Texture Synthesis Algorithm, Briand,T. et al. (2014)
According to this article, this is a "real version" of steerable pyramid which is used in Portilla and Simoncelli(2000).
- Depth : 4
- Orientation : 4 (0, pi/4, pi/2, 3*pi/4)
- python3.5 (3.0+)
- GPU is not used.
- create 'out' directory.
python -i saucer-mono256.png -x 256 -y 256
, if you want to know details about parameters, see source code
- The Heeger-Bergen Pyramid-Based Texture Synthesis Algorithm, Briend, T. et al.(2014)
- Parametric Texture Model Based on Joint Statistics of Complex Wavelet Coefficient, Portilla, J. and Simoncelli, E.(2000)
- The Steerable Pyramid:A Flexible Architecture For Multi-Scale Derivative Computation, Simoncelli,E. and Freeman, W.(1995)
- A Filter Design Technique For Steerable Pyramid Image Transform, Karasaridis, A. and Simoncelli,E.(1996)
- Design and Use of Steerable Filters, Freeman,W. and Adelson,E.(1991)