Void pointers / Operator casting
Closed this issue · 4 comments
Hi, first of all congrats on the framework. It's quite interesting
My issue is the following: I have a Buffer which allows to store tuples (for operators that need materialization). It works by calling a method void* store_tuple(size_t tuple_size)
which allocates memory of size "tuple_size" and returns a pointer to the beginning of this region.
In normal, non-generated code, I would cast this void pointer to the type I need. However, I don't know how to do it in coat. One could template the function to store tuples, like the following
template<class T>
T* store_tuple(size_t tuple_size)
However, this would still be problematic when trying to store tuples with different datatypes
Is this function just a fancy malloc, or is it doing anything else besides allocating?
You can always pretend that the function signature looks different for the current context, see:
Lines 186 to 188 in 7f27e8d
Here, both void* in realloc()'s signature are casted to T*, T being the element type of the vector in this case. So, in COAT, we use T*, but it calls the function which uses void*. You can probably use something very similar.
That wouldn't work if you want to write multiple datatypes to the same Buffer. Suppose you have a table of form (uiint64_t, uint32_t, uint8_t).
Then if you want to materialize tuples of this table (to sort for example), I would expect something like the following:
// Buffer store returns a uint8_t*
coat::Ptr<CC, coat::Value<CC, uint8_t>> store_address = coat::FunctionCall(fn, buffer.store_tuple, "tuple_store",16);
// Registers with values to be stored
register0 = coat::Value<CC, uint64_t>(fn, val0);
register1 = coat::Value<CC, uint32_t>(fn, val1);
register2 = coat::Value<CC, uint8_t>(fn, val2);
auto ptr0 = store_address.cast<CC, coat::Value<CC, uint64_t>>();
*ptr0 = register0;
store_address +=8
auto ptr1 = store_address.cast<CC, coat::Value<CC, uint32_t>>();
*ptr1 = register1;
store_address +=4
auto ptr2 = store_address.cast<CC, coat::Value<CC, uint8_t>>();
*ptr2 = register2;
Well, then we need a cast function. It was on my todo list anyway. I pushed a change, see the example:
Lines 36 to 42 in 94cc783
I just tested it and seems to work. Thanks a lot!
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