A Discord Bot built with discord.py, Custom for our server, for learning python.
The server can be found here. Coder Stuff - (https://discord.gg/FUk4PhW)
Got a feature request? Request it in the Issues tab.
So you're looking to contribute to PyBot? Here's your guide!
Once you find a feature, issue, bug, etc that you'd like to tackle:
- Fork this repo.
- Clone the fork to your local machine.
- Create a branch for what you are working on. Preset branch names will be provided.
- Write your code!
- Commit with a descriptive commit message and push to your forked repo.
- Create a Pull Request on this repo and code reviewers will take it from there!
To find a way to contribute, visit the project tied to this repo. Your guideline to understanding the project will be under the 'Project' heading down below!
The project hosts 3 columns:
Needs Learner - Any items under this section are up for grabs. These will include features to be added in, bug fixes, etc.
- To claim something from this section, please navigate to the Issues tab in the repo. Once there find the item you wanted to work on and post a comment that you'd like to work on it. A repo maintainer will then move that item to the in progress section with your name included as well as assign you to the issue
In Progress - Any items here are currently in progress. The name of the user working on the feature, bug, etc will be included.
Completed - Completed items will go here with the name of the user!
All help is greatly appreciated and we really hope everybody can learn atleast something from this project. The goal is to allow all interested users to contribute in one way or another. The repo will not be dominated by only a couple contributors while others watch wishing they got a chance as well. We're all here to learn and work together!
If you have any questions feel free to message iMrBranflake or Nobody in the server.