
Add support for rendering eps

tewarid opened this issue · 0 comments

Rendering image in eps format results in error message such as

sh: 1: repstopdf: not found
system returned with code 32512
sh: 1: repstopdf: not found
system returned with code 32512
sh: 1: repstopdf: not found
system returned with code 32512
sh: 1: repstopdf: not found
system returned with code 32512
Error producing PDF.
! Package pdftex.def Error: File `./tex2pdf.-bd267f1f84adb5a1/4859595273588ecf1
923429b3b5c33f9b143abd5-eps-converted-to.pdf' not found: using draft setting.

See the pdftex.def package documentation for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.327 ...595273588ecf1923429b3b5c33f9b143abd5.eps}

Add support for repstopdf.

It can be installed by downloading epstopdf package using tlmgr

tlmgr install epstopdf