
Primary LanguageC


Fbvis is a small framebuffer image viewer.  It includes stbi and
lodepng and does not use external libraries.  Fbvis is short for
visualize on the framebuffer.


The following table describes fbvis' keybinding.  Most of these
commands accept a numerical prefix that specifies the number of
times the command should be repeated.

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k		scroll up
j		scroll down
l		scroll right
h		scroll left
H		show image top
M		show image centre
L		show image bottom
^F, J, n	next file
^B, K, p	previous file
backspace, ^U	page up
space, ^D	page down
f		zoom to fit image height
w		zoom to fit image width
z		show image in its original size
i		print file name
d		sleep one second
^L, r		redraw
q		quit fbvis
digits		specify a numerical prefix
escape, ^[	clear the numerical prefix
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