Running lotus-devnet in a docker container failed
jaslin-W opened this issue · 1 comments
jaslin-W commented
i git clone this repo and build it in a docker container.when i run lotus-devnet, it show this error.
this is compile command in dockefile
#git clone mainnet code
RUN git clone ${LOTUS_URL} \
&& cd lotus/ \
&& git checkout ${LOTUS_VERSION} \
&& make clean all \
&& make install
#git clone devnet code repo for dev test
RUN git clone ${LOTUS_DEV_URL} \
&& cd lotus-devnet/ \
&& make clean \
&& go build -o lotus-devnet main.go \
&& cp lotus-devnet /usr/local/bin/lotus-devnet \
&& chmod +x /usr/local/bin/lotus-devnet
i also compile lotus in the same dockerfile. does the config of lotus overwrite the config of lotus-devnet?
jaslin-W commented
user authority problem. solved