
Release v2.6.4

sanderpick opened this issue · 0 comments

Release Checklist

  • Is tomorrow a normal workday when the relevant parties will be available to help with any post-release problems?

After tagging a release candidate

  • Does the release pass CI?
  • Have the release notes and README been updated?
  • Has the release been deployed to staging?
  • Has all new functionality been manually tested against staging?
  • Have any relevant docs site changes been made in a PR?

Breaking changes

  • There are no breaking API changes.
  • There are breaking API changes.
    • Have client library candidates been built and tested?
    • Have breaking changes been communicated in advance to users?

Before deploying a release candidate

  • Have the relevant channels been notified of any downtime?
  • There are no scheduled talks/demos/events during the proposed downtime.
  • Have all clients been updated and released?

After deploying a release candidate

  • Does hub update install the new hub CLI?
  • Has all new functionality been manually tested against production?
  • Have all docs site changes been deployed?