
[Feature] Pedantic mode.

ixchow opened this issue · 0 comments

Have a mode -- pedantic mode -- that checks for (and warns/disallows) for things like:

Synonym misuse:

  • knitting with no carriers (should be 'drop')
  • split with no carriers (should be 'xfer')
  • tuck with no carriers (should be 'amiss')

Useless operations:

  • knitting on an empty needle (should be 'tuck')
  • xfering no stitches
  • dropping an empty needle (yes I realize this is actually useful sometimes)

Dangerous operations:

  • stretching yarn really far with racking
  • stacking many many loops (user-configurable limit?)

Pedantic mode should probably be able to be set/unset easily, to allow for functions that "know what they are doing".

What else?