
triggers such as "thm" duplicate user's environment name

Closed this issue · 2 comments

This is not a bug at all, but a usage consideration.

The package allows one to write "thm" followed by ctrl+< to obtain a \begin{theorem}\end{theorem} environment. The environment automatically includes a \label{...}. The cursor is inserted in the label, the label is not selected for potential deletion.

  1. Do users want to provide a label for every theorem?

  2. I have long used the theorem name "thm", as in \newtheorem{thm}{Theorem}. This means I want this same command to create \begin{thm}\end{thm}. I suppose one might consider my particular choice to be deprecated by the advent of your editor macros, but I'm not sure.

triggers = ( thm, theorem );

Hi Samuel,

you can configure “Insert”→“Command Based on Current Word“ to your liking via the command “Edit Configuration File“. For more information please take a look at the section “Inserting Commands and Environments“ in the Help document (also available in TextMate via “Bundles”→“LaTeX”→“Help”).

Ok, understood!