
potentially use js or java to grab dependencies so we dont have to find the dubiouswhiteliquidustry repo, and also grab betamindy while we are at it, also wow the titles on these can get really long, like, absurdly long

USMP-lancer opened this issue · 6 comments

using a script from deltanedas, we can auto get dependencies, this could remove the need for the actual dependencies in the mod.json, since the mod grabs those FOR you, but as of now i dont even know if it works, im going to test if it works, if it does thats good, but there might be other issues with this system

lmao it dont work

then again, the script was made for v6

i dont have coding experience so idk how to fix it lmao


it's cumdustry you fool

the name was changes to unblacklist, go ahead, search for it

you wont