
Avoiding 0-byte files being created when encountering "No space left on device"

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Any way of avoiding 0-byte files being created when encountering:

ERROR! [Errno 28] No space left on device

Originally posted by @tordenflesk in #191 (comment)

Which actions result in empty files? Moving / copying?


  - locations: \\Srv-omv01\data01\tdarr\output
    name: Tdarr
    subfolders: true
      - extension: mkv
      - lastmodified:
          minutes : 10
      - move:
          dest: G:\
          on_conflict: rename_new
          rename_template: "{name}-{counter}{extension}"

Thanks for the config!

I'm not sure what organize can so differently in this case. It's using the python stdlib file methods. Maybe it's a bug in upstream?

Can you expand on the environment?
Is the mounted share a samba share? Which host are you running organize on?

That's a UNC path, not mounted. \output contains thousands of files, and if i run this config i'm left with thousands of 0-byte files. This is also true if i move files with a similar config "the other way" and the remove hosts drive is full.