Dbal::syncInserted() builds invalid sqlite query for Entity with combined primary key
Closed this issue · 11 comments
When an entity is identified by multiple rows:
use ORM\Entity;
class MyEntity extends Entity {
protected static $primaryKey = ['row_0', 'row_1', 'row_2'];
saving it via
$myEntity = new MyEntity();
throws a PDOException because
Dbal::syncInserted() - https://github.com/tflori/orm/blob/master/src/Dbal/Dbal.php#L308
builds and executes a invalid query:
SELECT * FROM "my_entity" WHERE ("row_0","row_1","row_2") IN (('value_0','value_1','value_2'));
This happens with version >= 1.5.0
hm. which database and database version you are using?
because it should work (at least in mysql 5.5 - 5.7 and postgres 9.4):
I've just tried with sqlite - here we would need to add the VALUES
but this is not working in mysql - so maybe it's another thing we have to use server specific syntax 😞
awww.. who reads summaries.. you wrote already it's sqlite. I will provide a fix latest tomorrow morning.
So, yes we use sqlite (3.11.0) ^^
Should have stated it again in the text ^^
Thank you!
solved with version 1.5.2 thx @Jmp00000001
This unfortunately seems not to be fixed, yet. There are two problems:
The code seems to generate the wrong number of parenthesises. In our example we got something like:
SELECT * FROM "table" WHERE ("col1","col2","col3") IN (VALUES ('1','2','3')))
As you can see there is one closing parenthesis too much.
Even when fixing the generated SQL, it requires a relatively new SQLite version. On @Jmp00000001's Ubuntu with PHP v7.2.11-2+ubuntu16.04.1+deb.sury.org+1
we had SQLite 3.11
which failed to parse this syntax. On my Arch Linux system, with 3.25.1 it works.
It seems the feature was introduced with 3.15.0 https://www.sqlite.org/changes.html#version_3_15_0
I'm not sure if it needs to be fixed for old SQLite versions, but at least the parenthesis mismatch should be fixed.
at least it's worse to mention it somewhere, thx
sorry for the bug. solved with version 1.5.3
I can confirm that it works with at least sqlite-1.5.1