
Is tfenv dead?

samuel-phan opened this issue ยท 9 comments

There is no new commit since Oct 1, 2022.

Seems like somebody is still trying to contribute ๐Ÿฅ‡

@Zordrak Not sure if you're looking for maintainers or somebody that can help you. tfenv is a great tool that we all are benefitting from and we're thankful for your work!!

@Zordrak , I would second what @sgametrio has mentioned. It looks like you could do with some additional bodies to help keep this alive. It's a brilliant tool but we're having to do some hoop jumping to overcome some of the issues open MR's fix.

OJFord commented

Yes, I do have a couple of open PRs, and am happy to work on them further as needed - but do note the difference between 'collaborator' and 'contributor' (as mine) badges on comments: the latter just means I've authored commits which have landed in master (or perhaps just this project at all, vs. my fork) - but they were committed by Zordrak, it doesn't mean I (and I don't) have write/committer access to this repo.

So my level of contribution is just 'proposing changes' really, I'm not a maintainer - stuff you see at OJFord/tfenv will only end up in tfutils/tfenv if someone who is merges it.

OJFord commented

Hi @Zordrak

(and, sorry for the ping - @sajkat @AndrewNorman @CarlInglisBJSS @mike-winter-bjss - hoping perhaps one of you at least is one of the other two non-public tfutils org members!)

I'd be happy to help with the maintenance burden of tfenv in any way I can; I've had a couple of emails already from people assuming I have more involvement/access than I do - people are understandably keen to see some of the fixes since v3.0.0 released (#410), and OpenTofu/the licensing debacle means a significant number of tfenv users are presently unable to use it, or have to weigh that aspect in their decision to switch to the forked terraform (#411 is a high-effort PR from OpenTofu maintainer; #409).

Feel free to contact me by email (in commits or profile) if you prefer. Cheers!

I'd be happy to help with the project maintenance as well! Would be great to see some activity with tfenv.

Ignore what I just said total crossed wires on my part!

tfenv development is slow, as changes to the basic functionality of terraform is similarly slow and it's designed to very simply do the thing it needs to do and do it well.

Hello there,
Tofuenv's first stable release (v1.0) is now available! tofuenv is a fork of tfenv that only works with OpenTofu binaries. Our crew (me, @anastasiiakozlova245, @Nmishin) has been working on the fork over the past week. We worked hard to improve the usability of core tofuenv features, add some new capabilities, and, of course, fix a few bugs in the original tfenv program.

We'd appreciate your input and support on GitHub. Please feel free to submit issues and make contributions. Link to tofuenv:

tofuenv can be installed manually from GitHub or via brew (for mac users).

Hi folks,
The tofuutils crew is dropping new tool for managing Terraform/OpenTofu: tenv!

tenv, is Golang based application, that means that you don't depend on shell or other environment dependencies anymore.

We encourage you to make use of it, share any issues you encounter, and even contribute to its improvement. Your support and stars โญ๏ธ would be greatly appreciated! We're all ears for your feedback!

We saved all tfenv features and added some new. It's an active, not dead development. We'll be glad to hear your wishes about new features and implement them in next releases.