
it's requiring phoenix_view

maysam opened this issue · 7 comments

I am getting

** (CompileError) lib/live_admin/view.ex:4: module Phoenix.View is not loaded and could not be found

is'nt this supposed to be fully liveview?

phoenix_view is a dep of phoenix/phoenix_live_view before 1.7. I assume you are using 1.7?

Which version of live_admin?

yes I am using 1.7 and latest version of live_admin

btw adding phoenix_view to mix didn't help either

Hm, OK, adding it as a dep is what I was going to suggest, as I think that has worked for others. If I switch to 1.7 the dev app works fine. Can you share your mix.lock?

Alternatively, make sure you are specifying 2x {:phoenix_view, "~> 2.0"}, or use the latest main instead of a hex version. The latest commit explicitly specifies the needed version.


I got it working, but ... doesn't open and I cannot edit or delete records

I won't be able to help troubleshoot your issue without more specific info about your version (git ref is best), error messages your seeing (if any), browser you're using, other deps etc.

Since your original issue has been solved, I'm closing this to reduce noise/confusion. I enabled templates, so if you are still having problems, open a new issue using the bug report template which will help gather/organize relevant info. Thanks!