
Commands - Watson

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 Commands - Watson       

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Usage:  watson add [OPTIONS] [ARGS]...

Add time for project with tag(s) that was not tracked live.


$ watson add --from "2018-03-20 12:00:00" --to "2018-03-20 13:00:00" \
 programming +addfeature


Flag Help
-f, --from DATE Date and time of start of tracked activity [required]
-t, --to DATE Date and time of end of tracked activity [required]
-c, --confirm-new-project Confirm addition of new project.
-b, --confirm-new-tag Confirm creation of new tag.
--help Show this message and exit.


Usage:  watson aggregate [OPTIONS]

Display a report of the time spent on each project aggregated by day.

If a project is given, the time spent on this project is printed. Else, print the total for each root project.

By default, the time spent the last 7 days is printed. This timespan can be controlled with the --from and --to arguments. The dates must have the format YEAR-MONTH-DAY, like: 2014-05-19.

You can limit the report to a project or a tag using the --project and --tag options. They can be specified several times each to add multiple projects or tags to the report.

If you are outputting to the terminal, you can selectively enable a pager through the --pager option.

You can change the output format from plain text to JSON using the --json option or to CSV using the --csv option. Only one of these two options can be used at once.


$ watson aggregate
Wed 14 November 2018 - 5h 42m 22s
  watson - 5h 42m 22s
        [features     34m 06s]
        [docs  5h 08m 16s]

Thu 15 November 2018 - 00s

Fri 16 November 2018 - 00s

Sat 17 November 2018 - 00s

Sun 18 November 2018 - 00s

Mon 19 November 2018 - 5h 58m 52s
  watson - 5h 58m 52s
        [features  1h 12m 03s]
        [docs  4h 46m 49s]

Tue 20 November 2018 - 2h 50m 35s
  watson - 2h 50m 35s
        [features     15m 17s]
        [docs  1h 37m 43s]
        [website     57m 35s]

Wed 21 November 2018 - 01m 17s
  watson - 01m 17s
        [docs     01m 17s]

$ watson aggregate --csv
2018-11-14 00:00:00,2018-11-14 23:59:59,watson,,20542.0
2018-11-14 00:00:00,2018-11-14 23:59:59,watson,features,2046.0
2018-11-14 00:00:00,2018-11-14 23:59:59,watson,docs,18496.0
2018-11-19 00:00:00,2018-11-19 23:59:59,watson,,21532.0
2018-11-19 00:00:00,2018-11-19 23:59:59,watson,features,4323.0
2018-11-19 00:00:00,2018-11-19 23:59:59,watson,docs,17209.0
2018-11-20 00:00:00,2018-11-20 23:59:59,watson,,10235.0
2018-11-20 00:00:00,2018-11-20 23:59:59,watson,features,917.0
2018-11-20 00:00:00,2018-11-20 23:59:59,watson,docs,5863.0
2018-11-20 00:00:00,2018-11-20 23:59:59,watson,website,3455.0
2018-11-21 00:00:00,2018-11-21 23:59:59,watson,,77.0
2018-11-21 00:00:00,2018-11-21 23:59:59,watson,docs,77.0


Flag Help
-c, --current / -C, --no-current (Don’t) include currently running frame in report.
-f, --from DATE The date from when the report should start. Defaults to seven days ago.
-t, --to DATE The date at which the report should stop (inclusive). Defaults to tomorrow.
-p, --project TEXT Reports activity only for the given project. You can add other projects by using this option several times.
-T, --tag TEXT Reports activity only for frames containing the given tag. You can add several tags by using this option multiple times
-j, --json Format output in JSON instead of plain text
-s, --csv Format output in CSV instead of plain text
-g, --pager / -G, --no-pager (Don’t) view output through a pager.
--help Show this message and exit.


Usage:  watson cancel [OPTIONS]

Cancel the last call to the start command. The time will not be recorded.


Flag Help
--help Show this message and exit.


Usage:  watson config [OPTIONS] SECTION.OPTION [VALUE]

Get and set configuration options.

If value is not provided, the content of the key is displayed. Else, the given value is set.

You can edit the config file with an editor with the --edit option.


$ watson config backend.token 7e329263e329
$ watson config backend.token


Flag Help
-e, --edit Edit the configuration file with an editor.
--help Show this message and exit.


Usage:  watson edit [OPTIONS] [ID]

Edit a frame.

You can specify the frame to edit by its position or by its frame id. For example, to edit the second-to-last frame, pass -2 as the frame index. You can get the id of a frame with the watson log command.

If no id or index is given, the frame defaults to the current frame or the last recorded frame, if no project is currently running.

The editor used is determined by the VISUAL or EDITOR environment variables (in that order) and defaults to notepad on Windows systems and to vim, nano or vi (first one found) on all other systems.


Flag Help
-c, --confirm-new-project Confirm addition of new project.
-b, --confirm-new-tag Confirm creation of new tag.
--help Show this message and exit.


Usage:  watson frames [OPTIONS]

Display the list of all frame IDs.


$ watson frames


Flag Help
--help Show this message and exit.


Usage:  watson help [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

Display help information


Flag Help
--help Show this message and exit.


Usage:  watson log [OPTIONS]

Display each recorded session during the given timespan.

By default, the sessions from the last 7 days are printed. This timespan can be controlled with the --from and --to arguments. The dates must have the format YEAR-MONTH-DAY, like: 2014-05-19.

You can also use special shortcut options for easier timespan control: --day sets the log timespan to the current day (beginning at 00:00h) and --year, --month and --week to the current year, month or week respectively. The shortcut --luna sets the timespan to the current moon cycle with the last full moon marking the start of the cycle.

If you are outputting to the terminal, you can selectively enable a pager through the --pager option.

You can limit the log to a project or a tag using the --project and --tag options. They can be specified several times each to add multiple projects or tags to the log.

You can change the output format from plain text to JSON using the --json option or to CSV using the --csv option. Only one of these two options can be used at once.


$ watson log --project voyager2 --project apollo11
Thursday 08 May 2015 (56m 33s)
        f35bb24  09:26 to 10:22      56m 33s  apollo11  [reactor, brakes, steering, wheels, module]

Wednesday 07 May 2015 (27m 29s)
        9a1325d  09:48 to 10:15      27m 29s  voyager2  [sensors, generators, probe]

Tuesday 06 May 2015 (1h 47m 22s)
        530768b  12:40 to 14:16   1h 35m 45s  apollo11  [wheels]
        84164f0  14:23 to 14:35      11m 37s  apollo11  [brakes, steering]

Monday 05 May 2015 (8h 18m 26s)
        26a2817  09:05 to 10:03      57m 12s  voyager2  [probe, generators]
        5590aca  10:51 to 14:47   3h 55m 40s  apollo11
        c32c74e  15:12 to 18:38   3h 25m 34s  voyager2  [probe, generators, sensors, antenna]

$ watson log --from 2014-04-16 --to 2014-04-17
Thursday 17 April 2014 (4h 19m 13s)
        a96fcde  09:15 to 09:43      28m 11s    hubble  [lens, camera, transmission]
        5e91316  10:19 to 12:59   2h 39m 15s    hubble  [camera, transmission]
        761dd51  14:42 to 15:54   1h 11m 47s  voyager1  [antenna]

Wednesday 16 April 2014 (5h 19m 18s)
        02cb269  09:53 to 12:43   2h 50m 07s  apollo11  [wheels]
        1070ddb  13:48 to 16:17   2h 29m 11s  voyager1  [antenna, sensors]

$ watson log --from 2014-04-16 --to 2014-04-17 --csv
a96fcde,2014-04-17 09:15,2014-04-17 09:43,hubble,"lens, camera, transmission"
5e91316,2014-04-17 10:19,2014-04-17 12:59,hubble,"camera, transmission"
761dd51,2014-04-17 14:42,2014-04-17 15:54,voyager1,antenna
02cb269,2014-04-16 09:53,2014-04-16 12:43,apollo11,wheels
1070ddb,2014-04-16 13:48,2014-04-16 16:17,voyager1,"antenna, sensors"


Flag Help
-c, --current / -C, --no-current (Don’t) include currently running frame in output.
-f, --from DATE The date from when the log should start. Defaults to seven days ago.
-t, --to DATE The date at which the log should stop (inclusive). Defaults to tomorrow.
-y, --year Reports activity for the current year.
-m, --month Reports activity for the current month.
-l, --luna Reports activity for the current moon cycle.
-w, --week Reports activity for the current week.
-d, --day Reports activity for the current day.
-a, --all Reports all activities.
-p, --project TEXT Logs activity only for the given project. You can add other projects by using this option several times.
-T, --tag TEXT Logs activity only for frames containing the given tag. You can add several tags by using this option multiple times
-j, --json Format output in JSON instead of plain text
-s, --csv Format output in CSV instead of plain text
-g, --pager / -G, --no-pager (Don’t) view output through a pager.
--help Show this message and exit.



Perform a merge of the existing frames with a conflicting frames file.

When storing the frames on a file hosting service, there is the possibility that the frame file goes out-of-sync due to one or more of the connected clients going offline. This can cause the frames to diverge.

If the --force command is specified, the merge operation will automatically be performed.

The only argument is a path to the the conflicting frames file.

Merge will output statistics about the merge operation.


$ watson merge frames-with-conflicts
120 frames will be left unchanged
12  frames will be merged
3   frame conflicts need to be resolved

To perform a merge operation, the user will be prompted to select the frame they would like to keep.


$ watson merge frames-with-conflicts --force
120 frames will be left unchanged
12  frames will be merged
3   frame conflicts need to be resolved
Will resolve conflicts:
frame 8804872:
< {
<     "project": "tailordev",
<     "start": "2015-07-28 09:33:33",
<     "stop": "2015-07-28 10:39:36",
<     "tags": [
<         "intern",
<         "daily-meeting"
<     ]
< }
> {
>     "project": "tailordev",
>     "start": "2015-07-28 09:33:33",
>     "stop": "**2015-07-28 11:39:36**",
>     "tags": [
>         "intern",
>         "daily-meeting"
>     ]
> }
Select the frame you want to keep: left or right? (L/r)


Flag Help
-f, --force If specified, then the merge will automatically be performed.
--help Show this message and exit.


Usage:  watson projects [OPTIONS]

Display the list of all the existing projects.


$ watson projects


Flag Help
--help Show this message and exit.


Usage:  watson remove [OPTIONS] ID

Remove a frame. You can specify the frame either by id or by position (ex: -1 for the last frame).


Flag Help
-f, --force Don’t ask for confirmation.
--help Show this message and exit.


Usage:  watson rename [OPTIONS] TYPE OLD_NAME NEW_NAME

Rename a project or tag.


$ watson rename project read-python-intro learn-python
Renamed project "read-python-intro" to "learn-python"
$ watson rename tag company-meeting meeting
Renamed tag "company-meeting" to "meeting"


Flag Help
--help Show this message and exit.


Usage:  watson report [OPTIONS]

Display a report of the time spent on each project.

If a project is given, the time spent on this project is printed. Else, print the total for each root project.

By default, the time spent the last 7 days is printed. This timespan can be controlled with the --from and --to arguments. The dates must have the format YEAR-MONTH-DAY, like: 2014-05-19.

You can also use special shortcut options for easier timespan control: --day sets the report timespan to the current day (beginning at 00:00h) and --year, --month and --week to the current year, month or week respectively. The shortcut --luna sets the timespan to the current moon cycle with the last full moon marking the start of the cycle.

You can limit the report to a project or a tag using the --project, --tag, --ignore-project and --ignore-tag options. They can be specified several times each to add or ignore multiple projects or tags to the report.

If you are outputting to the terminal, you can selectively enable a pager through the --pager option.

You can change the output format for the report from plain text to JSON using the --json option or to CSV using the --csv option. Only one of these two options can be used at once.


$ watson report
Mon 05 May 2014 -> Mon 12 May 2014

apollo11 - 13h 22m 20s
        [brakes    7h 53m 18s]
        [module    7h 41m 41s]
        [reactor   8h 35m 50s]
        [steering 10h 33m 37s]
        [wheels   10h 11m 35s]

hubble - 8h 54m 46s
        [camera        8h 38m 17s]
        [lens          5h 56m 22s]
        [transmission  6h 27m 07s]

voyager1 - 11h 45m 13s
        [antenna     5h 53m 57s]
        [generators  9h 04m 58s]
        [probe      10h 14m 29s]
        [sensors    10h 30m 26s]

voyager2 - 16h 16m 09s
        [antenna     7h 05m 50s]
        [generators 12h 20m 29s]
        [probe      12h 20m 29s]
        [sensors    11h 23m 17s]

Total: 43h 42m 20s

$ watson report --from 2014-04-01 --to 2014-04-30 --project apollo11
Tue 01 April 2014 -> Wed 30 April 2014

apollo11 - 13h 22m 20s
        [brakes    7h 53m 18s]
        [module    7h 41m 41s]
        [reactor   8h 35m 50s]
        [steering 10h 33m 37s]
        [wheels   10h 11m 35s]

$ watson report --json
    "projects": [
            "name": "watson",
            "tags": [
                    "name": "export",
                    "time": 530.0
                    "name": "report",
                    "time": 530.0
            "time": 530.0
    "time": 530.0,
    "timespan": {
        "from": "2016-02-21T00:00:00-08:00",
        "to": "2016-02-28T23:59:59.999999-08:00"

$ watson report --from 2014-04-01 --to 2014-04-30 --project apollo11 --csv
2014-04-01 00:00:00,2014-04-30 23:59:59,apollo11,,48140.0
2014-04-01 00:00:00,2014-04-30 23:59:59,apollo11,brakes,28421.0
2014-04-01 00:00:00,2014-04-30 23:59:59,apollo11,module,27701.0
2014-04-01 00:00:00,2014-04-30 23:59:59,apollo11,reactor,30950.0
2014-04-01 00:00:00,2014-04-30 23:59:59,apollo11,steering,38017.0
2014-04-01 00:00:00,2014-04-30 23:59:59,apollo11,wheels,36695.0


Flag Help
-c, --current / -C, --no-current (Don’t) include currently running frame in report.
-f, --from DATE The date from when the report should start. Defaults to seven days ago.
-t, --to DATE The date at which the report should stop (inclusive). Defaults to tomorrow.
-y, --year Reports activity for the current year.
-m, --month Reports activity for the current month.
-l, --luna Reports activity for the current moon cycle.
-w, --week Reports activity for the current week.
-d, --day Reports activity for the current day.
-a, --all Reports all activities.
-p, --project TEXT Reports activity only for the given project. You can add other projects by using this option several times.
-T, --tag TEXT Reports activity only for frames containing the given tag. You can add several tags by using this option multiple times
--ignore-project TEXT Reports activity for all projects but the given ones. You can ignore several projects by using the option multiple times. Any given project will be ignored
--ignore-tag TEXT Reports activity for all tags but the given ones. You can ignore several tags by using the option multiple times. Any given tag will be ignored
-j, --json Format output in JSON instead of plain text
-s, --csv Format output in CSV instead of plain text
-g, --pager / -G, --no-pager (Don’t) view output through a pager.
--help Show this message and exit.


Usage:  watson restart [OPTIONS] [FRAME]

Restart monitoring time for a previously stopped project.

By default, the project from the last frame, which was recorded, is restarted, using the same tags as recorded in that frame. You can specify the frame to use with an integer frame index argument or a frame ID. For example, to restart the second-to-last frame, pass -2 as the frame index.

Normally, if a project is currently started, watson will print an error and do nothing. If you set the configuration option options.stop_on_restart to a true value (1, on, true or yes), the current project, if any, will be stopped before the new frame is started. You can pass the option -s or --stop resp. -S or --no-stop to override the default or configured behaviour.

If no previous frame exists or an invalid frame index or ID was given, an error is printed and no further action taken.


$ watson start apollo11 +module +brakes
Starting project apollo11 [module, brakes] at 16:34
$ watson stop
Stopping project apollo11, started a minute ago. (id: e7ccd52)
$ watson restart
Starting project apollo11 [module, brakes] at 16:36


Flag Help
-s, --stop / -S, --no-stop (Don’t) Stop an already running project.
--help Show this message and exit.


Usage:  watson start [OPTIONS] [ARGS]...

Start monitoring time for the given project. You can add tags indicating more specifically what you are working on with +tag.

If there is already a running project and the configuration option options.stop_on_start is set to a true value (1, on, true or yes), it is stopped before the new project is started.

If the ‘–no-gap’ flag is given, the start time of the new project is set to the stop time of the most recently stopped project.


$ watson start apollo11 +module +brakes --no-gap
Starting project apollo11 [module, brakes] at 16:34


Flag Help
-g, --gap / -G, --no-gap (Don’t) leave gap between end time of previous project and start time of the current.
-c, --confirm-new-project Confirm addition of new project.
-b, --confirm-new-tag Confirm creation of new tag.
--help Show this message and exit.


Usage:  watson status [OPTIONS]

Display when the current project was started and the time spent since.

You can configure how the date and time of when the project was started are displayed by setting options.date_format and options.time_format in the configuration. The syntax of these formatting strings and the supported placeholders are the same as for the strftime method of Python’s datetime.datetime class.


$ watson status
Project apollo11 [brakes] started seconds ago (2014-05-19 14:32:41+0100)
$ watson config options.date_format %d.%m.%Y
$ watson config options.time_format "at %I:%M %p"
$ watson status
Project apollo11 [brakes] started a minute ago (19.05.2014 at 02:32 PM)


Flag Help
-p, --project only output project
-t, --tags only show tags
-e, --elapsed only show time elapsed
--help Show this message and exit.


Usage:  watson stop [OPTIONS]

Stop monitoring time for the current project.

If ‘–at’ option is given, the provided stopping time is used. The specified time must be after the begin of the to be ended frame and must not be in the future.


$ watson stop --at 13:37
Stopping project apollo11, started an hour ago and stopped 30 minutes ago. (id: e9ccd52) # noqa: E501


Flag Help
--at TIME Stop frame at this time. Must be in (YYYY-MM-DDT)?HH:MM(:SS)? format.
--help Show this message and exit.


Usage:  watson sync [OPTIONS]

Get the frames from the server and push the new ones.

The URL of the server and the User Token must be defined via the watson config command.


$ watson config backend.url http://localhost:4242
$ watson config backend.token 7e329263e329
$ watson sync
Received 42 frames from the server
Pushed 23 frames to the server


Flag Help
--help Show this message and exit.


Usage:  watson tags [OPTIONS]

Display the list of all the tags.


$ watson tags


Flag Help
--help Show this message and exit.

Watson, by TailorDev & al. is released under the MIT License.

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