
Documentation needed: Example of user-based routing to multiple machines

mjbright opened this issue · 1 comments

The README starts with a nice image of what I'd like to achieve.

But in the examples, I don't see an sshpiper command to be able to route based on multiple users.

It would be good to see, this simple example in it's most basic form.

It would be good to see the same with use of public key also

+---------+                      +------------------+          +-----------------+
|         |                      |                  |          |                 |
|   Bob   +----ssh -l bob----+   |   sshpiper    +------------->   Bob' machine  |
|         |                  |   |               |  |          |                 |
+---------+                  |   |               |  |          +-----------------+
                             +---> pipe-by-name--+  |                             
+---------+                  |   |               |  |          +-----------------+
|         |                  |   |               |  |          |                 |
|  Alice  +----ssh -l alice--+   |               +------------->  Alice' machine |
|         |                      |                  |          |                 |
+---------+                      +------------------+          +-----------------+

 downstream                         sshpiper                        upstream                     

tg123 commented

+------------+        +------------------------+                       
|            |        |                        |                       
|   client   |        |   sshpiper             |                       
|   PK_X     +-------->      |                 |                       
|            |        |      v                 |                       
|            |        |   Check Permission     |                       
+------------+        |      |                 |                       
                      |      |                 |                       
                      |      |                 |     +----------------+
                      |      v                 |     |                |
                      |   sign agian           |     |   server       |
                      |   using PK_Y  +-------------->   check PK_Y   |
                      |                        |     |                |
                      |                        |     |                |
                      +------------------------+     +----------------+