
v1 snap package

sp301415 opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi, I was trying to install sshpiper via snap, but I noticed it is still in v0 version (April 2022). Are there any plans to update sshpiper in snap to v1? If not, is there any channel (like PPA) to get automatic updates of sshpiper?

Thanks for writing this tool! It perfectly satisfies my niche :)

tg123 commented

sure let me bring back snap and add binaries to gh release this weekend

@tg123 after upgrade, sshpiperd in snap always listens to 2222, regarding the configuration.

# python -m http.server 2222 &
# snap get sshpiperd port
# snap restart sshpiperd
# snap logs sshpiperd
2023-08-12T01:41:28Z sshpiperd.sshpiperd[3131212]: time="2023-08-12T01:41:28Z" level=fatal msg="failed to listen for connection: listen tcp bind: address already in use"
tg123 commented

oh yup
too rush
did not have config yet, let me fix it

@tg123 also, snap set will fail