
[k8s] How to point to a sftp server in a different namespace?

rjbaat opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi all,
I have a SFTP container running on my k8s cluster. Now I want to map sshpiper to it with the pipe manifest.
I already tried this to use the dns to map the ssh pipe to a different service in a different namespace:

kind: SshPipe
  name: sftp-4
    - sftp-4
    name: sftp-4.sftp-4.svc.cluster.local

But it looks like I get this errors when trying to connect:

connection from establishing failed reason: dial tcp: lookup sftp-4.sftp-4.svc.cluster.local.sshpiper on no such host

Has anyone an idea what is going on here and how to solve it?

Could it be that it will always lookup a service within the same namespace?

targetHost = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", pipe.Spec.Target.Name, pipe.ObjectMeta.Namespace)

Is there an option to point to a specific service in the cluster with the dns like: sftp-4.sftp-4.svc.cluster.local?

Or maybe with an extra field in the SshPipe manifest like: pipe.Spec.Target.Namespace

ah nvm. I had to put the pipe manifest in the other namespace and then it gets pointed correctly :)