
Parse downstream username

obiwankenobi72 opened this issue · 7 comments

Hi ,
Is it possible to parse the downstream side username with a regex, before routing to destination server ?

I 'd like to add the 'host' part in username before to parse it :
ssh will be routed to USER@HOST.lan

thanks for this great work

tg123 commented
yaml upstream has regex support

unlike http, hostname, Host: XX , is not a part of ssh protocol. as a result, there is no way to know what the hostname is when client side is handshaking.

reopen if you have any other questions.

Thank you for the quick response.

sorry but maybe I wasn't clear enough

Using the workingdir module, you get the downstream username (DOWNSTREAMUSERNAME ) to set the path to the sshpiper_upstream file, which contains the routing information to the destination server.

As you said, it's not possible to retreive host information with ssh protocol.

But if the DOWNSTREAMUSERNAME field was composed of 2 parts: DESTINATIONHOST+UPSTREAMUSERNAME, would it be possible to apply a regex to it, in order to define the rules to the destination server (via workingdir, yaml or db upstream) ?

This would be useful if we had the same username on different servers ( would be routed to user@server1 and to user@server2) without worrying about the hostname.


@tg123 i'm not able to reopen this issue

I'm interested in this feature too.
If SSH allow it.

#related-to #74

tg123 commented

the best way to do it is to fork the code and create a customized sshpiper
I am working on a grpc based sshpiper upstream module, which allow users to write their own routing code.

Ok so I've leaved k8s and now sshpiperd is sooo cool

sshpiperd pipe add -ngitlab -u10.0.0.102 -p22 --upstream-username=git
tg123 commented

close with grpc upstream