
How to connect to host itself automatically?

FunDeckHermit opened this issue · 6 comments

My usecase is somewhat different then the examples given:

  • I have a VPS with a fixed IP
  • I host some services at home and tunnel them through wireguard to the VPS
  • sshpiper is running on the VPS in a docker container

Using the docker container and a simple home-like directory sshpiper_upstream file I'm able to SSH my homeserver through the wireguard VPN.

Is sshpiper aware of the already existing users on the VPS? Is there a method to forward/pipe all users without a home-like directory to the host?

tg123 commented

here is an example to use grpc upstream
you can write your own code to forward/auth connections to anywhere.

This seems a bit above my skill-level, I'm just running it in Docker.
So I would need to exec into the container, find the impl.go file and edit it to fit my needs?

Thanks for the quick reply!

I might make a feature request for some kind of wildcard/default pipe.

tg123 commented

here is another yaml based upstream driver which support regex

you can also use
--upstream-workingdir-fallbackusername= to set a username where to go whenever no working directory found.

I didn't see the .yaml based upstream driver in the documentation. Thanks for pointing it out!

So next to the WorkDir, Database and K8s there's also .yaml based and grpc ?

Can I use the regex match as variable input for the mapped_username ?

tg123 commented

regex match var is not supported at the moment
you are welcome to use customized grpc server to do it. just a small piece of code

        mapped :=  REGEXMATCH(request.UserName)
	return &grpcupstream.FindUpstreamReply{
		ToAddr:         s.ToAddr,
		MappedUserName:  mapped 
	}, nil
tg123 commented

reopen if cannot do it with grpc