
Text must be less than or equal to CHARACTER_LIMIT characters.

komals1 opened this issue · 4 comments

Dear developer, I was using teletweet for just few days and it made me so much curious and I stumble upon many things , that it should do more, so here I will just saying what can help me little,

Issue- Error: Text must be less than or equal to CHARACTER_LIMIT characters.
Need- when bot hit the wall of character limit, can this be possible that line break (Enter bottom) command can be used to split the
text into threading tweet, only when text limit breached from current tweet.

As a midstep, you could just truncate it.

Implementation is much more difficult than I expected...

This worked, I think (e.g. here).

Personally, I'd prefer it just tweeted the first 280 chars (-24 if it contains a link anywhere) + first 4 photos (or video, if it has one instead).

Is there a setting to turn this off? It's working, but not well. The bot creates a thread alright, but puts the RSS title on one tweet, the image on another, the link on another, and the description on another, instead of it all in one.