
Bot only tweeting the admin who added it in a group

wisdomtooth opened this issue ยท 14 comments

Hi Benny, I'm trying out your excellent @tele_tweetbot. I managed to have it tweet everyone's posts in a group, but after moving things around, it only tweets my posts. How can I get it to tweet everyone again? Is it something to do with admin/member permissions?

I need some more details.

Do you want the bot to tweet using one Twitter account in a group chat?

Or do you prefer that every member of this group will tweet via this bot using their own Twitter account?

Do you want the bot to tweet using one Twitter account in a group chat?


Or do you prefer that every member of this group will tweet via this bot using their own Twitter account?


Currently this bot doesn't support that, because it'll use your telegram user id to get your Twitter token.

But actually I think I can implement this feature - just use group id instead of your user id.

By the way, you also have to set this bot as admin so it could easily receive all your messages in that group.

I'll let you know when this feature is ready.

Currently this bot doesn't support that

I'm pretty sure I got it to do this. But...

But actually I think I can implement this feature - just use group id instead of your user id.

Yeah, I thought I'd accomplish this by adding and registering the bot as an anonymous admin, but failed.

By the way, you also have to set this bot as admin so it could easily receive all your messages in that group.

Yeah, that much I figured (though other bots don't need to be admins to see msgs, e.g. YoutubeDL, youtubednbot, etc)

I'll let you know when this feature is ready.


For the last admin part, let me explain that to you:

  1. bot has enabled privacy mode by default. Bot will only receive certain messages by default.
  2. if you set the bot as admin, bot will receive everything
  3. I can turn off privacy mode, then if you re-add bot to your group, it will receive all messages.

One ideal solution is, I keep privacy mode on, you keep it as non-admin, and you tweet by replying to bot's normal message.
Telegram Bot Document

This feature is now available. I have turn off privacy mode, you either have to re-add the bot to your group or make it as admin.

Please check the screenshot for your reference

1. login


2. tweet


3. reply to normal message


4. twitter screenshot


5. bot can read all messages.


6. from non adimin


I noticed the change, thanks. But it doesn't seem to tweet bots, only other users. Shouldn't it?

Sorry I didn't understand. To tweet bots, what does it mean?

Your bot now tweets msgs posted by users on a Telegram group--that's great!--but it doesn't tweet msgs posted by other bots.

Okay understood. Telegram bot won't receive messages posted by other bots, to avoid message loop. That's telegram's limit. As a workaround, you could forward that bot's message

Ah, I see. There goes by pipe(line) dream XD

This was probably the best set up then (for my case, IMO):

  1. TeleTweet as group admin: tweets msgs posted by anyone in the group
  2. TeleTweet as non-admin group member: tweets only msgs posted by group admins

Nice suggestion. I can implement these two features whenever I have some free time.

Any progress on this?

Too busy.... might start working on weekends.