
Another to-do app for you, where completing tasks lead to great rewards. Built with Svelte and Appwrite.

Primary LanguageCSS

To You

Another to-do app for you, where completing tasks lead to great rewards.

Frontend SvelteKit Backend Appwrite

Table of Contents

About The Project

This is a to-do app where you can add simple tasks, that are associated with points, and rewards, that are unlocked with the points you earn.

Built With

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.


yarn and docker installed on your local machine.


1. Clone the repo

git clone https://github.com/tglide/to-you
cd to-you

2. Install front-end dependencies


3. Setup appwrite instance

Head over to https://appwrite.io/docs/installation and follow the instructions to setup appwrite on your local machine. You'll also need to install the Appwrite CLI.

After that, create a new project, and create an API key.

4. Setup environment variables

You'll need to setup the following environment variables in a .env file in the root directory.


5. Setup appwrite database & collections

Run the aw:local script to setup the appwrite CLI, then run the aw:deploy script to deploy the collections and database. Setup the rest of the environment variables in the .env file:



Run App

yarn dev


You can check out a live preview at: https://to-you-peach.vercel.app/


A to-do app repo wouldn't be complete without it's own to-do list!

  • Browser session
  • Addition progressive enhancement
  • Deletion progressive enhancement
  • Update progressive enhancement
  • Rewards system
  • Keyboard controls
  • Dark mode