
BrdU cell cycle tool

Primary LanguagePython

BrdU cell cycle tool

Calculate cell cycle parameters from continuous labeling assays.


Use one virtual environment of your choice. Exemplary installation using venv or pipenv is described below.

Install dependencies


$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate

$ pip install -r requirements.txt


Install requirements:

$ pipenv install --ignore-pipfile

Test run of fit code

$ python3 fit.py -i brdu/fit/test.csv -o 123

Install Django web framework

$ pip install django django-rest-framework

Python 3.4

To use older python 3.4 change the version string in the Pipfile and initialize pipenv with

$ . envs && pipenv --python /usr/bin/python3.4 shell


If you are going to start the server for the first time or if the Django models have changed, you need to generate the database file first.

$ cd brdu
$ python manage.py makemigrations fit
$ python manage.py migrate --run-syncdb

Static files

Furthermore all static files need to be copied to STATIC_ROOT.

$ python manage.py collectstatic

Running Django

Load environment


$ source venv/bin/activate


Load environment with

$ . envs && pipenv shell

Start server

Please make sure, that you have installed the dependencies and the database as well as collected the static files.

Run the server:

$ cd brdu
$ python manage.py runserver

The Cell Cycle Analyzer can be found under:


Disable debug mode

Set DEBUG = False in settings.py to disable the display of detailed traceback information, which could pose a security risk.


ALLOWED_HOSTS must be set in settings.py according to your server. Otherwise this will result in all requests being returned as Bad Request (400).

Set a new SECRET_KEY

Change the SECRET_KEY in settings.py to a unique, unpredictable value. Do not carry the key from development (for instance from this GitHub repository) over to the deployment server!

Django creates an unique key automatically when a new project is started.

$ django-admin startproject myproject

So you can also use this as a generator for your server key.


Expired sessions should be purged regularly (for example as a daily cron job) with:

$ python manage.py clearsessions