extract_metrics removes raster layer ID if present
ttrotto opened this issue · 1 comments
ttrotto commented
When running extract_metrics
on a SpatRaster
with an ID
layer, the function removes it.
Source code here
# get template raster
r <- system.file("extdata", "mraster.tif", package = "sgsR")
mr <- terra::rast(r)
# import existing polygons
e <- system.file("extdata", "existing.shp", package = "sgsR")
e <- sf::st_read(e)
# rename one layer to 'ID'
names(mr) <- c('ID', 'pzabove2', 'zsd')
# extract metrics
extract_metrics(mr, e)
# Simple feature collection with 200 features and 3 fields
# Geometry type: POINT
# Dimension: XY
# Bounding box: xmin: 431110 ymin: 5337710 xmax: 438530 ymax: 5343230
# Projected CRS: UTM_Zone_17_Northern_Hemisphere
# First 10 features:
# pzabove2 zsd FID geometry
# 1 23.4 0.74 0 POINT (433650 5340870)
# 2 2.6 1.47 1 POINT (434430 5339050)
# 3 60.4 1.73 2 POINT (433830 5341130)
# 4 22.7 0.95 3 POINT (434070 5341110)
# 5 62.2 1.07 4 POINT (432950 5343230)
# 6 55.4 2.31 5 POINT (432990 5342450)
# 7 65.7 2.60 6 POINT (432050 5342890)
# 8 52.5 2.84 7 POINT (438250 5339310)
# 9 63.7 2.85 8 POINT (434970 5342590)
# 10 15.0 0.41 9 POINT (437770 5339150)
tgoodbody commented
fixed in dev branch