flask caching - Set permanent memory location of stored cache data
Callum-Freeburn27 opened this issue · 0 comments
I am trying to store a class instance that is created in one request and then accessed in other requests. As the first request will determine the criteria of the class object. I have tried to implement the cache flask module with the code below.
cache.init_app(app=app, config={"CACHE_TYPE": "simple",'CACHE_DIR': Path('/tmp')})
def init(env):
if env == "test":
cache.set("currentENV", service('chromedriver', service.test))
response.IsSuccess = True
elif env == "real":
cache.set("currentENV", service('chromedriver', service.real))
currentENV = cache.get("currentENV")
the class instance will then be accessed in another request as below
def login(MSISDN, password):
currentENV = cache.get("currentENV")
response = currentENV.login(MSISDN, password)
return json.loads(response.toJson())
However the problem is that is says the class instance is missing, I have printed the class instance out and it says that they are in differnet memory location. I am very unsure why this is happening. I believe this is the issue and If i can permanently set the memory location of the instance, it would solve my problem. Or if there another way to pass a class instance to differnet requests that would solve my problem as well
<Connect.service object at 0x7fc0a619a910> - - [20/Aug/2021 15:41:42] "GET /login/user1/user1 HTTP/1.1" 200 -
<Connect.service object at 0x7fc0a619a370>
I have tried the solutions from both these pages and have had no luck.
Store large data or a service connection per Flask session
Are global variables thread-safe in Flask? How do I share data between requests?