
Can't resync media image after installation

ramzdam opened this issue · 2 comments

I followed all the steps including setting up the base_url for the media url. At first when I run the bin/magento s3:storage:export all assets were uploaded in the s3. Then I enabled the module. After that I uploaded a new image again (programatically generating new image). But the image is still being saved in pub/media folder. Now I tried running s3:storage:export again but I get the error You are already using S3 as your media file storage backend!. Now I can't sync my assets now. I thought the script will handle all the syncing to the s3. So whenever I upload an image into the pub/media the module will handle the exporting of it to the S3.

I guess I was wrong with that. Can you tell me how can I resync the content of my server and the s3? and how do I auto upload it into the s3?

to export again images, try to disable the storage, export the images and then enable again

I have also faced the same issue , Everything configured perfectly as said by "@ramzdam , When i upload the five product images in to magento2 upload not happening in to aws s3 bucket, Instead of all four images showing the static image content , Only one image was uploaded to s3 bucket .

the same i was uploaded to another product it was not uploaded none of the images to s3 , instead of shows static image content from magento2.

As well as product image keep buffering buffering in store front end.