
Failure to read data upon opening new project

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Upon attempting to open a new project, the following error occurs:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/hdd/code/paragon2/paragon/core/workers/", line 72, in run
Exception: Failed to read text data.

Caused by:
    0: Failed to read text from definition 'TextDataDefinition { path: "m/撤退.bin.lz", localized: true }'
    1: File 'm/E/撤退.bin.lz' does not exist. Attempted to find it using the following paths: '[/hdd/fe/mods/fe13-test/m/E/撤退.bin.lz,/hdd/fe/romfs/fe13/m/E/撤退.bin.lz]'

It's interesting that it's trying to read anything, as the project is new and the output folder is empty... so why is it trying to look in it?

It's even weirder that it's Japanese text. To my knowledge all the .bin.lz files are in English in an EnglishNA game.

(this occurs with all 3DSFE games on EnglishNA)

Checking the romfs reveals that m/E/撤????.bin.lz does exist. Unsure why the ????.

The underlying Unicode values of the ROMFS file are: "m/E/撤$'\360'$'\211'$'\200'$'\200'.bin.lz"

This is some weird filesystem bug that is unrelated to Paragon. Fixed by re-naming the weird unicode to the proper japanese text.