
Get GPT like chatGPT on your terminal

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Get GPT like chatGPT on your terminal

Screenshot 2023-01-05 at 09 24 10

terminalGPT - Use OpenAi like chatGPT, on your terminal | Product Hunt


You'll need to have your own OpenAi apikey to operate this package.

  1. Go to https://beta.openai.com/
  2. Select you profile menu and go to Manage API Keys
  3. Select + Create new secret key
  4. Copy generated key

Get Started

 npx terminalgpt


npx terminalgpt chat

ps.: If it is your first time running it, it will ask for open AI key , paste generated key from pre-requisite steps

Changing engine and temperature

npx terminalgpt chat --engine "text-davinci-002" --temperature 0.7