Hi I'm Binh! 🎯

💻 I'm pursuing Bachelor's Degree in Information Technology at University of Engineering and Technology (UET-VNU)

📫 Contact me through: lethanhbinh6203@gmail.com

Active projects

🔥 RentTomo - Application for finding accommodation and roommates quickly for students.

🔥 Aninagori - Share your favorite Animemory with friends!

🔥 Calendoro - Pomodoro/Animedoro timer that based on your calendar to decide on learning goal for the day.

🔥 UET_Calendar - The fastest way to make school schedule for UET's students.


  • RentTomo is my main project at the moment, I'd love to collaborate, just give me a call.
  • Aninagori, Calendoro and UET_Calendar are actively used and maintained (mainly by me), there won't be any new updates soon, except for fixing issues.
  • Other projects are archived but feel free to ask for help if you are interested in continuing.