Get it running on debian
Closed this issue · 9 comments
Hello there,
I'm afraid but I can't get ttmp32gme running on a debian system.
I tried to run the cpan command. But there are a couple of errors.
Can you give more detailed help?
Thanks in advance.
I'm not an expert in using debian console commands an all that stuff.
I understood the installing description to run the following command:
cpan -i EV AnyEvent::HTTPD Path::Class Cwd File::Basename File::Find List::MoreUtils PAR Encode Text::Template; JSON::XS; URI::Escape; Getopt::Long; Perl::Version; DBI; DBIx::MultiStatementDo; Log::Message::Simple Music::Tag::MP3 Music::Tag::OGG Music::Tag::MusicBrainz Music::Tag::Auto MP3::Tag Image::Info
But i have no idea what it does. After running the command it happens a lot at the console. The screenshot shows the last results.....
excuse my late reply.
Now the build was successfully. Thanks a lot.
You're right. My debian is running on a virtual box. The windows version of ttmp32gme is runnig well on windows. Except the printer. Sometimes the tiptoi pen is able to red sometimes not....
But that's another issue. I'm trying to setup an alternative system to windows. Actally I'm checking out if all the tools I'm using are able to run on debian......
A last question to this issue. Now that ttmp32gme was compiled how can I start / use it.
I can't see.
Thanks in advance.....
A last question to this issue. Now that ttmp32gme was compiled how can I start / use it.
Sorry, I missed that last question.
Actually, on debian, the program is not supposed to be built at all.
try the following commands:
cd ttmp32gme/src
then open a browser and enter the following url:
I hope this helps...
Closing this for now. Please reopen if you still have issues.
We now have a docker image.
I've tried it!
Brilliant! Thank you very, very much for that!