
Import of library from other PC

picofried opened this issue · 1 comments

I tried to copy the library I created on an other computer into my library. Unfortunately, my copied items are not shown in the current library.
I also tried to copy the complete folder including the config-file. In this case, I was not able to connect to the website.
Maybe there is a simple way of importing which I have not found. Otherwise it would be great to have like an import function.
Thanks a lot and best regards

thawn commented

On the other computer, is the path to the library the same (i.e. is the username identical)?
Otherwise, ttmp32gme will read the library path from your old config file and then fail to find the files on the new computer.

What you could try to do is change the path to the library in the configuration of the OLD computer to the path that the library will have in the NEW computer and then copy the library including config file.

Alternatively, on the new computer you could use a sqlite editor to fix the library path.

Finally, you could just re-import each individual album on the new computer.

Please let me know how it goes.

I will put the library import/migration feature on my todo list but I cannot make any promises as to when I will find the time to implement it.