
Blocks of type "required_providers" are not expected here

skyzyx opened this issue · 6 comments

Firstly, this is a great tool. I use it constantly for a large number of Terraform modules I maintain. Thank you!

In my file, I have a block which looks like this:

terraform {
  required_version = ">= 0.12"

  required_providers {
    aws      = "~> 2.67"
    newrelic = "~> 1.19"

A truncated version of my .terraform-validator.yaml file looks like this:

        mandatory: true
          - required_providers # only added this after receiving the error message; it didn't help
          - terraform

When I run the tool, I get this message:

$ terraform-validator .
2020/07/03 01:07:04,3-21: Unsupported block type; Blocks of type "required_providers" are not expected here.

The required_providers sub-block of a terraform block is documented here:

How do I get terraform-validator to allow/enforce this block without throwing an error?

Just a note that having documentation like this would make it easier to contribute and submit a PR.

Seems like the parser simply doesn't know about newly added parameters.
And may be in a few more places

👍🏻 Love the production, unfortunately now all my modules are showing red in validation... 😭

Hey there,

thank you guys posting this issue and working on it.

I was quite busy the last few months ...

@dvishniakov is right, tfv is not yet aware of the new parameters ... I'll try to manage it as soon as possible.

@skyzyx I can work on it too, that's a great idea.
About what you tried in your config file. This won't work as it's a sublock (inside terraform)

Thanks again, and as said previously, I'll try to manage this asap

Hey guys,

I'm still working on it, I should be able to push a fix tonight.

Here's how I'll manage the thing:

  1. from this issue I'll push a fix that will unlock you
  2. As soon as I have more time I'll propose a new feature to ensure that all required providers have a version (for this step I'll create another issue)

thank you for being so patient 😉

Hey guys, that's fixed now, please use release 3.1.2 (

That should work. If not, don't hesitate to comment here and reopen the issue